Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Beach Book List - Books To Read On The Beach!

Hi everyone! Now that summer is right upon us (actually, it had already arrived a while back), I've decided to make a list of books that are perfect for the summer, especially if you're relaxing on a beach. Doesn't that sound nice? Okay, let's go!

(I don't know why but I associate summer with Contemporary and Mystery, so the majority of this list are books from that genre)

The Beach Booklist

1. Summer Days & Summer Nights by Stephanie Perkins

This is actually on my TBR list for July! I really enjoyed My True Love Gave To Me, so I have really high hopes for this anthology as well. The authors I'm most excited about are Leigh Bardugo, Cassandra Clare and Veronica Roth! Plus, Stephanie Perkins herself wrote a story as well. Isn't this the perfect book for the beach?

2.  We Were Liars E. Lockhart

Yes, old book I know. I read this one last summer and it blew me away. The writing was really good and it kept the suspense until the very last moment. I loved the cleverly crafted plot twist! It's a really good mystery book for anyone who enjoys a good mix of contemporary and mystery.

3. There Will Be Lies by Nick Lane

I love this book! It starts slow at first since you have no idea what the heck is going on. The narration is fragmented, lacking some important punctuation - until you figure out why. Then it all makes sense. That's when I began to appreciate the book. It's beautifully written, making a compelling story. It's also mystery, but nothing too drastic. There is a bit of fantasy in it, but more on the magical realism side. Great book that is perfect with a refreshing smoothie ;)

4. The Way Back To You by Michelle Andreani

Okay, I haven't actually read this one yet, but I came across it when browsing Goodreads. It sounds really interesting! It's just a cute contemporary story, but I think it's quite appropriate for summer. Plus, the cover seems quite cute, no?

5. The Lucy Variations by Sara Zarr

This book is amazing! I was sucked in from the first word (probably because I love music and play piano myself). So basically, it's about a girl who is a champion piano player who stopped playing due to... unsaid reasons that you will find out over the course of the book. It even comes with a short playlist of songs at the end! It's a really cute book. Really cute.

6. The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder

This book is a whole mix of emotions. There are laughs, sobs and everything in between. The whole story gives you so much hope (ergo the title) and it really makes you appreciate life for the little moments. I don't want to give away the ending, but I'll warn you fellow readers: be prepared with tissues.

And that's it for me! Here are some recommendations that would potentially make your summer reading list a lot brighter! I hope you do try out some of these books, and if you have already read them, what did you think? Worthy to be on this list? Are there any books you recommend for the summer? Let me know! :)

Plus, have a great summer everyone! :D


  1. This is such a great list! I also want to read SDSN (idk if it will be this year tho) because I really enjoyed My True Love Gave To Me :D And I know We Were Liars is a old book, but I still haven't read it until now! *hides* I haven't read the others, but they sound interesting so I'll check them out :)

    1. I'm currently reading SDSN and it is really good! All the stories are soo cute! You haven't read We Were Liars yet? *gasps* It's really good - I hope you get round to it one day :)


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